At the age of 22, Georges Hilliet, from a family of fishermen and fishmongers, opens his fish cannery in Port-Maria, Quiberon's fishing port. With direct access to the sea, he is able to work the freshest fish, just caught. Back then, Quiberon is one of France's largest sardine ports, with 14 canneries!
At that time, the company is called "Établissement Georges Hilliet", and produces only canned sardines, including two now-historic recipes: Saint-Georges Sardines in olive oil and La Belle-Iloise Sardines in peanut oil.
Georges Hilliet himself imagines the decor for his first tins. To design the two recipes mentioned above, he is inspired by the golden legend in which Saint-Georges defeats the dragon, and by a postcard illustrating a young woman from Belle-Île-en-mer in traditional costume.