- Company
Iliens is the first regular sailing shuttle service between Quiberon and Belle-Île-en-Mer. In fact, it's the first regular sailing service in France. And we're delighted to support this project for the future.
- Events
- Company
The coming year will be energetic and dynamic, with a playful theme, a good-natured atmosphere, plenty of gourmet events and a host of delicious new products.
So, together, let's make 2024 a good year, and may all your best wishes come true!
- Company
2022 has brought a lot of unexpected events but a lot of satisfaction and joy too. For la belle-iloise’s-90th anniversary, we launched delicious new products and opened our 90th direct-to-consumer store in Angers. The publishing house Editions Ouest-France published a book on our history:La belle-iloise, la jolie boîte bretonne(La belle-iloise, the beautiful box from Brittany), and we also shared ten portraitson our website, talking about our daily lives, products and jobs.
- Company
Choose group orders with family, friends, neighbours or colleagues!
By teaming up to group your purchases, you’ll get a discount based on the total amount of your order. You won’t pay any delivery costs, and you’ll do that bit more for the planet!
- Company
Entrepreneurship is recognized internationally by the OECD (*) and public authorities as a key factor in regional health and local economic development. As a source of job creation, entrepreneurship helps combat unemployment and rural exodus.
- Company
Gone are the days of staying with a company ad vitam eternam. Today, we're more in need of doing, undoing, sometimes making mistakes, redoing. In short, we need change, and above all, meaning.
- Company
Every food-producing company is responsible for the safety of its products and the well-being of consumers. Regardless of their size or the products they work with. Because consuming unsafe food can have serious consequences, and today's companies are becoming aware of their responsibility.
- Company
Companies have a role to play in bringing diversity into their communities. A real responsibility, in fact. Because they are a place of exchange between individuals, and they have the opportunity to infuse their convictions into all the ecosystems around them.